emily d rojas

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Heartstopper Volumes 1-4 Book Review

It's been awhile since I’ve written a book review, mainly because I’ve been in the biggest reading slump of my life. I read R.F. Kuang’s Poppy War Trilogy back in January and I haven’t been the same since. That series wrecked me.

But I digress.

I want to talk about Heartstopper by Alice Oseman. There probably isn’t a series more opposite than The Poppy War on this planet than this one. It’s lighthearted, warm and cozy, and extremely uplifting. It’s a beautiful representation of LGBTQ+ love and it’s like drinking a mug of tea in your favorite reading chair on a winter day.

Seriously, if you need some serotonin right now, go read these. They are light and easy to read, whenever I picked one up, I read it in about an hour.

Heartstopper is a YA graphic novel series of currently four volumes, with the fifth coming out next year. The story follows the life of our lovely main character Charlie Spring, a teenage boy just living his life, going to school, hanging out with his friends, playing the drums. His life turns upside down when he accidentally falls head over heals for a straight boy in his class named Nick. We’re along for the ride as their friendship blossoms and we learn that Nick may or may not feel the same way as Charlie.

This story isn’t all light. These characters deal with real world problems like bullying, homophobia, mental illness, eating disorders, and more. Alice Oseman does an incredible job showcasing exaclty what it’s like being a teenager and learning to cope with the world around you. She doesn’t shy away from discussing tough topics and watching Charlie and Nick and the lovable cast of side characters navigate their worlds is thrilling. If I had to choose a favorite volume, I think it would be volume three! I don’t want to say too much because I want the story to unfold for you like it did for me but just know there is a class trip involved and the campy vibes just warmed my heart.

The Heartstopper series is the first graphic novel that I’ve ever read and I have to say that I loved them. They brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face. They made my heart happy and gave me hope for humanity through this incredible love story.

There is also a Netflix special, which came out in April that I will for sure be watching.

If you’re looking for a beautiful love story, spectacular LGBTQ+ representation, something to make you laugh and cry, pick this up. You won’t regret it.