Four Podcasts I'm Really Loving Right Now

Four Podcasts I'm Really Loving Right Now

While I’m not listening to audiobooks, I’m listening to the next best thing: Podcasts! I’ve been really into Podcasts lately and I wanted to share with you four that I’m really loving.

These Podcasts are not in any particular order, as I’m loving them all at this current moment.

10 Things to Tell You

Hosted by the delightful Laura Tremaine, this is such an interesting Podcast that, for me, doesn’t really fit into a box—like at all. I found this Podcast from Pam Beesley (aka Jenna Fischer) and had to give it a try.

Each episode gives the listener a different “prompt,” that they can post on Social Media, take to their friends/family, or journal about. They are always thought-provoking, some light-hearted and some a bit heavier. For example: Episode 5 was “tell me about your teachers,” while episode 2 was “are you lonely?”

A joy to listen to, this is easily one of my new favorite Podcasts!

Currently Reading Podcast

I wish I could remember where I first heard of this Podcast. Maybe it was from 10 Things to Tell You because Laura Tremaine is a guest on the show in episode 31! Either way, this Podcast is lovely. Two fabulously “bookish” women, Meredith and Kaytee, discuss all this books! Literally the entire episode is about books, books they loved, books they didn’t necessarily love, and books they “want to press into your hands,” my absolute favorite part of this Podcast! As an avid reader, listening to other avid readers discuss one of my favorite things and then giving me books that I absolutely have to read, is something worth blogging about!

For the Love with Jen Hatmaker

Not a new Podcast, and one I’ve listened to here and there before, but for some reason I’ve come across this Podcast again and I’m in love. Jen Hatmaker is my spirit animal, should I have begun with that? Anyway, I love how honest and real she is about herself, her faith, politics, etc. and I think the guests she invites on her show are just tip top quality.

Her Podcast is broken up into series ranging from For the Love of Books, TV, Music, Laughter, and Food to For the Love of New Beginnings, Parenting, Giving and Good Change. Seriously, you can find anything here. Her current series: For the Love of Faith Groundbreakers features one of my favorite Podcast episodes ever, Episode 4: Actually Believing God Loves You Changes Everything with Jeff Chu. Ugh, you just have to go listen.

One of my favorite parts of this show are the questions Hatmaker asks her guests at the end of every episode, my favorite question being, “what’s saving your life right now?” I just love hearing the myriad of answers, both funny and serious.

3 Books with Neil Pasricha

Another book Podcast and but totally different than the last. Neil Pascricha, the host of this exquisite Podcast is on a quest to build an epic list of 1000 of the most formative books in the world, not a small feat, might I add. Pasricha invites inspiring people from all over the world and from all walks of life to discuss their 3 most formative books. This is what drew me to this Podcast. I love the idea of listening to inspirational folks discuss the books that shaped them and made them who they are today. My favorite Chapter (episode) to date is Chapter 26: Angie Thomas on righting racists wrongs and remembering radicals.

Another thing I love about Pasricha is how he really enjoys building a Podcast for his listeners. He has set up a phone line where listeners can phone in and leave comments on the Podcast and he also reads a review at the end of each chapter. He also adds a few other things at the end of each Podcast and if you are part of the secret clubs Pasricha has built into his show, you know what I am talking about.

If you love books, love inspirational people, and good conversation, this is a great Podcast for you!

There you have it! Four Podcasts that I am really loving right now.

What Podcasts are you loving right now? I’m always on the hunt for new Podcasts to enjoy, so I’d love to know what you’re listening to!

Quick note: All of these Podcasts are available where Podcasts are usually available but I use the Downcast App to listen in on my iPhone. My husband recommended this app to me and here’s what he loves about it:

  • It’s incredibly customizable

  • You can create playlists

  • Can play video Podcasts

  • Can “upload” your own files onto the app easily

  • Can play many “uploaded” file types

  • Has an Apple Watch app

Happy listening!


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