Ten Facts You May Not Know About Me

Ten Facts You May Not Know About Me

This post is going to be a bit different than the others! I want you guys to know me on a more personal level so here are 10 facts about me that you may or may not already know!

1. I'm a compulsive tidier! I hate clutter and I find it difficult to work/think well in a cluttered space. During the week, I tend to tidy up my living room about 3 times a day, thanks to my lovely husband who isn't as tidy. I also try to keep my classroom (I'm a third grade teacher, tidy as well!) I will slack off a bit towards the weekend, but then I tidy back up for a successful week ahead. 

2. I'm really into Netflix, but who isn't? I love to binge watch a good show on Netflix (or anywhere really) and then have in-depth conversations about the character development, plot, etc with anyone willing to listen. Some of my favorite shows are Game of Thrones (DUH.), Breaking Bad, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, The Office, Parks and Rec, etc.

3. Speaking of shows, my favorite show of all time is and will always be Gilmore Girls. I have a deep connection with this show. I've seen every episode probably 15 times (not exaggerating) and can quote it line for line. I love all things Gilmore and always will. Most of my personal quippiest lines come from Lorelai and I legitimately speak just like her.  

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4. I love to sing and dance (NOT WELL) and I'm really into rap music. I listen to it on the way to work to pump myself up for the day. You can find me rolling up to my elementary school listening to Chance the Rapper, Lil Wayne, Kendrick Lamar, Fetty Wap, etc. 

5. I have a fascination with names. When we first meet, I want to know your first and last name and sometimes I'll even ask for your middle name. I'm not sure why. I love when people get to know my name and then use it in conversation. I also love to give nicknames. 

6. I'm terrified of heights and I have a fear of falling. I don't ride roller coasters or climb tall ladders. It used to be much worse and it has gotten better over the years. But I still say, "no thank you," to anything up in the air.

This is me after climbing up St. Peter's Dome in the Vatican. Thank goodness there were thick bars or else I just might have cried.

This is me after climbing up St. Peter's Dome in the Vatican. Thank goodness there were thick bars or else I just might have cried.

Me at the top of my Empire State Building. My best friend took me to NYC for my Bachelorette! Again, thank goodness for the bars!

Me at the top of my Empire State Building. My best friend took me to NYC for my Bachelorette! Again, thank goodness for the bars!

Me at the top of Champanile di San Marco in Venice. So apparently I will climb scary, tall things but only when I travel!

Me at the top of Champanile di San Marco in Venice. So apparently I will climb scary, tall things but only when I travel!

7. On the weekends, I generally stay in my house, reading, watching tv, blogging, doing nothing. If you try to make plans, I tend to say no. This is because I'm actually a very introverted extrovert. After a week worth of "extroverting," I need time to be by myself, doing nothing. It's my time to recharge. 

8. On the extroverting note, I can strike up a conversation with anyone. I love to talk and will go out of my way to greet people and ask them how they are doing. I also tend to be super awkward in conversation and ask some uncomfortable questions, not necessarily on purpose. Its just my attempt at getting to know you on a more personal level.

9. My birthday is April 22 and I'm a full blown Taurus. I'm also born on my Grandmama's birthday and named after my Happy (my mother's mother). The number 22 also holds specific meaning to me. It's my favorite number, my lucky number, my spirit number. I look for it everywhere. It's also my "dating" anniversary (September 22, 2008) and my wedding anniversary (November 22, 2014). I also share a birthday with my sweet mother-in-law! 

My Grandmama and I as an adorable, wrinkly babe. I was born on her birthday.

My Grandmama and I as an adorable, wrinkly babe. I was born on her birthday.

My "Happy," also known as Emily. 

My "Happy," also known as Emily. 

Wedding day bliss!

Wedding day bliss!

10. You may know this already but I LOVE to travel! My husband and I decided that when we got married, we would save up our money and travel as much as we possibly can. Out of all the places we have been (check my Instagram for places we've been!) Italy is my favorite! We've been twice and I just love it! I love the slow moving way of life. I love the food and how everything is paired with a great glass of wine and bread. I love the atmosphere, the history, and of course the gelato! It is literally my favorite place and if I could move anywhere, Italy is where I'd go!

One of the many reasons I love Italy!

One of the many reasons I love Italy!

Bonus: I love to be comfortable. I'm known to call pants, "leg prisons" and I much rather not wear them at all. But that's not "acceptable" out in public, so I tend to choose yoga pants or workout leggings when I'm not working. #downwithpants

Well there you go! You may have already known all of these things, or maybe you didn't! I hope you liked this post! 

With love,


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