How to Make the Best Cup of Coffee Ever

How to Make the Best Cup of Coffee Ever

It's no secret that I love coffee. Ask anyone who knows me and they will confirm my love for the roasted bean water. When I'm out and about or traveling around, I usually take my coffee black with a side of extra coffee, por favor. Ya feel me? I also don't discriminate against coffee. I like all kinds of coffee, including the flavored brands and even instant coffee. I'm not a coffee snob and if you are, no offense intended. I can just appreciate all bodies... of coffee. When I'm home, I have a coffee recipe that I always make which includes some delectable add-ins and a blender and this is what I'll be sharing with you today.

How to make phatty and delicious coffee at home: 


  • Hot coffee (of any kind--instant, drip, french press, whatever) 
  • 1 scoop Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides 
  • 1 tablespoon Organic coconut oil (I use the betterbody brand but any brand will do the trick)
  • However much milk or milk substitute you like (I make my own homemade cashew milk)
  • Pretty great blender (I have the Ninja and it works well) 

Preparation steps:

  1. Brew your hot coffee. Again, this can be anyway and any amount you like.  
  2. Pour the coffee, scoop of Vital Proteins, tablespoon of coconut oil, and milk or milk substitute into your blender.
  3. Blend, baby, blend for about 30 seconds. The collagen makes it super frothy! 
  4. Pour into your favorite coffee cup and enjoy the lucisious deliciousness.  
  5. REPEAT for as many times as you like. For me it's about 2 times, depending on the day. 
Look at that foam!

Look at that foam!


Other variations:  

  • Try adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to your grounds before brewing for a even cozier cup. 
  • Try adding a teaspoon of ghee to your blender for even more good fat. The Fourth and Heart Madagascar Vanilla Bean Ghee is a great choice. 
  • If you're up for it, try flavored coffee for a different taste. I really love French Vanilla or Hazelnut coffees. 

Coffee is life, so make it luscious and make it decadent and seriously, make it everyday. 



For the love of coffee, 


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