A Few Months in India

A Few Months in India

For the next few months, Michael and I will be living in India.

We were originally set to make the trip in May of 2020, but we all know how that turned out.

Fast forward through two extremely difficult years, and here we are.

We are spending our time in an extended stay hotel in the tech city of Bangalore and already this trip is like nothing else we’ve ever experienced.

We’re usually packing and unpacking our bags, traveling on a strict budget, eating food from street vendors and shopping in local markets. And while we plan to do these things, traveling within India, we’re learning what it feels like to live abroad. We’ve unpacked our suitcases, filling the drawers and closets of our hotel room. We’ve already made friends with the hotel staff, acquainted ourselves with the gym on the top floor, and eaten the complimentary breakfast.

We’ve never stayed put in one place for this long, not together at least. But we’re excited for the adventure ahead of us.

Yesterday, I lay on the couch, looking out the window from the seventh floor, watching the clouds roll by and the birds soaring on the wind, thinking, my god, how grateful I am to experience such a life.

Follow along for here and there writings from a woman abroad in India.

Also, yes, Fully Well, has changed and my name is now the name of this website. Fully Well served me, well, fully well, for the last few years and it lived it’s moment. But now, the name of my website feels like coming home.

Sunrise over Bangalore

Sunrise over Bangalore

A History of Wild Places Book Review

A History of Wild Places Book Review